Typical Utah “Lefties” At It Again

What on Earth could have spurred such a response from the electorate?  Are these people all fake people?  Maybe they’re illegal immigrants planted there to cause trouble.

The Huffington Post – “Raucous Town Hall In Utah Blasts GOP Rep. Chaffetz Over Trump”

UPDATE: Talking Points Memo – “Chaffetz Said He Believes Town Hall Protestors Were Paid, Not From Utah”

Fear-Mongering or Can’t Read Chart?

“We have a crime problem,” [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions said at the White House. “I wish the rise that we’re seeing in crime in America today was some sort of aberration or blip. My best judgment, having been involved in law enforcement for many years, is this is a dangerous permanent trend.”

Yahoo! News – “Sessions calls rise in crime a ‘dangerous permanent trend,’ but FBI data shows rate consistently falling”

And Now, First Blood

Around 30 people, including 10 women and children, are thought to have been killed by American military personnel in the rural Yakla district of al-Bayda in the south of [Yemen], according to medical staff. […] 

The US military meanwhile confirmed 14 al-Qaeda fighters had been killed in the raid, and a further two in a drone strike on central Yemen later in the day. An American commando was killed in retaliation, and three others injured.

The Independent – “Donald Trump’s first US military raid ‘kills 30 civilians, including 10 women and children'”